PO Box 42792
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Contact: Ronald F. Smith, PE, PLS
Title: Engineering and Management Consultant
Phone: (215)998-3063
E-mail: RonaldFSmithPE@hotmail.com
Engineering and Management Consulting Services:
Information Systems
Chemical Engineering
Cost Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Structural Engineering
Posted April 5, 2001
Team Ventures International
beukenhorst 407
diemen- amsterdam
Postal Code: 1112bm
Country: the Netherland
Contact: Drs. Samuel Luwemba
Title: operational manager
Phone: 31 0655538114
Fax: 31 20 4000945
E-mail: kaumi@wxs.nl
Posted September 27, 1998
P.O. Box 42792
Philadelphia, PA. 19101
Phone: (215)998-3063
Contact:Ronald F. Smith, P.E., President
Appropriate Technology, Inc.(ATI) is an engineering and management consulting firm specializing in the design and implementation of appropriate solutions to technological and business problems.
The Manufacturing Division focuses on the design of flexible unit operations producing goods (and jobs) close to the marketplace. The Consulting Services Division provides a wide range of services to assist in planned, as well as existing
operations. From the management of change... to the systems and technology of change... we can help you optimize your bottom line, and increase your viability in the Market Place.
P.O. Box 42792
Philadelphia, PA. 19101
Attention: Ronald F. Smith, P.E.